Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Classroom Project:

The class will be divided into groups of three. Each group must choose a relevant topic from the list provided. Each group will present to the class.

Topics to consider:

  • The Atmosphere
  • Solar Energy
  • The Coriolis Effect
  • How weather affect us?
  • Tornadoes
  • Hurricanes
  • The Jet Stream
  • Weather forecasting
  • Acid deposition
  • Global warming

1. Each group will present to the class (10 minutes allowed for presentation, 5 minutes Q&A).
2. Each person in the group needs to take responsibility for presenting some portion of the presentation.
3. Each group is required to provide a one page handout, available to all students, with a synopsis of the topic presented.
4. Each group is required to conduct some background research on the topic.

Be able to outline the highlights of the subject in terms of:
- Topics significance.
- Why do you think this is an important topic in the first place?
- Include personal opinions as well as research-supported ideas/statistics.
- How the topic directly affects students.

Possible ways of presenting the content:
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
Media articles

Project Groups and Topics
Group 1: Avinash, James, Ian
Group 2: Rodrigo, Barbara, Matias
Group 3: Alexandria, Jennifer, Ana
Group 4: Carly, Michelle, Raelene
Group 5: Henrique, Guilherme, Nikki
Group 6: Henry, Daniela, Brent
Group 7: David, Roger, Pedro
Group 8: Kyung, Ronan, Tosan

Presentations will take place on December 11th and 12th, 2008.

1 comment:

james said...

Are these the final groups?
And, what topic is group one covering?